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A321neo Values Above Pre-Covid Levels

October 23, 2023

The Airbus A321neo family is a series of aircraft developed since December 2010 by Airbus with the suffix “neo” meaning “new engine option”. It is the last step of the A320 Family Enhanced (A320E) modernization program, which was started in 2006. The A320neo family replaces the original A320 family, which is now referred to as A320ceo, for “current engine option”. There are some 120 A321neos still inactive but over 1,000 are now in active service. The majority of those listed as being inactive are inevitably the result of engine issues. In terms of orders as of the end of September these now amount to 5,422 with 1,1553 delivered although some may have been completed but are now awaiting engines. The lessors have ordered 974 A321neos of which 387 have been delivered leaving a backlog of 587. Even prior to the Covid Event, the demand for the A321neo was so exceptional that Airbus was experiencing difficulty in producing the type resulting in some delays to deliveries.

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