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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B747-400BCF
Freighter Values Stable Despite China Problems
With China industrial output continuing to waiver there is inevitably likely to be some impact on airfreight but other sources of demand in other regions are keeping demand static. IATA reports that airfreight is climbing though only slowly. Load factors for May 2015 were lower than in May 2014 with…

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August 10, 2015
Airfreight Traffic Increases But Surface Dominates
There have been some encouraging news for the airfreight industry as traffic shows improvements. The problems in the U.S. and the demand for high value electronic products continues to allow airfreight traffic to increase but the container ship continues to offer rates that cannot be ignored. The removal of B747-400…

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June 1, 2015
Parked Fleet Overshadows Demand
The demand for airfreight capacity is improving slowly but this still has not translated into demand for additional capacity and more specifically the removal of aircraft from storage. If anything the demand remains wedded to new aircraft types such that a few new dedicated freighters have been ordered while used…

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March 9, 2015
Freighter Values Fail to Advance
With so much capacity in the market exemplified by low load factors and given that there remain a large number of freighters parked, it is little wonder that values are failing to match the modest improvement in airfreight traffic. The fall in the price of fuel will provide the opportunity…

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November 17, 2014
B747-8F Values Fail to Make Headway
The market for the -8F continues to be fragile with new examples acting to displace existing -400SF/Fs. Boeing launched the B747-8F on November 14, 2005, with firm orders for 18 B747-8 Freighters; 10 from Cargolux of Luxembourg and eight from Nippon Cargo Airlines — NCA — of Japan. Boeing had…

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November 3, 2014
Values Yet to Follow Rise in Airfreight
According to IATA data airfreight traffic increased by 4.1 percent in the first six months of 2014 representing reasonably strong growth but values have yet to experience a reversal of the downward trend exhibited for so many years. Load factors, which are still below 50 percent, need to advance by…

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August 11, 2014
Airfreight Demand Begins to Show Promise
The airfreight market is beginning to show improvement in terms of traffic but this has yet to translate into improved demand for dedicated freighters. The Aircraft Rating (Aircraft Value Analysis Rating; reflects the considered suitability for asset based financing over a seven year period. Ratings range from A++…

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June 2, 2014
Freighter Values Have Opportunity to Stabilize
The values of freighter aircraft may be turning the corner though the events in Ukraine may have some impact. IATA cites airfreight growth as being in line with industrial production whereas in the past it has exhibited twice the growth. For the month of January 2014 compared to January 2013,…

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March 10, 2014
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