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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B727-200H
Rentals Continue to Fall
While there continues to be a measure of demand for the older aircraft types, the focus is clearly on the newer. LIBOR interest rates are finally easing allowing for a measure of comfort for lessees but this only serves to see rentals falling lower. Aircraft such as the B727 and…

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November 10, 2008
First Generation Stage 3 Rentals Weaken
The sustained and inevitable preference for more economic aircraft has continued to prompt a decline in lease rentals of the older types. The lease rentals of older types are facing considerable pressure as lessors struggle to place surplus aircraft. Yet, at the same time demand outside of the U.S. is…

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July 21, 2008
First Generation Stage 3 Rental Ease
The fall in interest rates has begun to have an impact on lease rentals. Financial uncertainty has also played a role in making the market more cautious, particularly where certain types carry greater risk. There are some older narrowbodies that continue to benefit from the Ripple Effect whereby the lack…

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February 18, 2008
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Strong Market Keeps Values on Even Keel The market for jets remains very strong such that values of the mainstream jets have enjoyed a further rise over the last six months. The considerable number of orders secured by Airbus and announced during the Paris Salon last month points to still…

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July 9, 2007
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values Of Old & New Continue To Diverge While the values of more modern aircraft continue to improve, those of older types face terminal decline in the face of a sustained rise in fuel prices and escalating maintenance costs. The majority of aircraft in mainstream production, particularly the narrowbodies, are…

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January 8, 2007
Ageing Narrowbody Rentals Have Nowhere To Hide
Any improvement in rentals of the older narrowbodies now seems to lie with a change in terms and a rise in interest rates. Lease rentals tend to rise as an aircraft ages due to the filtering process. Traditionally a new aircraft has been delivered to an operator with a reasonable…

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November 27, 2006
Rentals of Older Narrowbodies Stabilize
The lease rates of narrowbodies no longer in production have stabilized due to the continued focus on newer aircraft types. The market for aircraft in general has nearly reached its peak and with the increased focus on newer aircraft, older types are losing some of their attraction. In common with…

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August 21, 2006
Values of Newer Aircraft Types Continue to Rise
The Results of Our Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing While both Airbus and Boeing secured substantial orders during 2005, the year 2006 has not been so kind to beleaguered Airbus. Lack of orders, problems facing four-engine widebodies, delays in the A380, uncertainty over the A350/A370, and the forced resignations of…

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July 10, 2006
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