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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B737-300QC
B737 Classic Freighter Conversion Values Stable
The values of B737 Classic freighters are increasingly showing an element of disconnect with those of the passenger examples. Traditionally, the values of freighters were closely tied to the value of passenger units until such time as forty percent of the passenger fleet had been converted. The value of the…

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June 16, 2014
Annual Jet Aircraft Lease Rate Listing
Lease Rentals Remain Steady Despite Pressures Despite the growing uncertainties over the state of the U.S. economy and financial vulnerability, lease rates for most aircraft remains steady. Even with the fall in interest rates the appetite for aircraft is such that lease rentals remain steady, particularly for the more popular…

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March 17, 2008
Annual Jet Aircraft Lease Rate Listing
Incremental Rise in Lease Rentals Persists The imbalance between supply and demand in favor of the latter has continued to allow lease rentals of newer equipment further improvement. For over two years lease rentals have enjoyed a substantive revival. Lease rentals of such popular aircraft were less than $200,000 during…

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March 19, 2007
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values Of Old & New Continue To Diverge While the values of more modern aircraft continue to improve, those of older types face terminal decline in the face of a sustained rise in fuel prices and escalating maintenance costs. The majority of aircraft in mainstream production, particularly the narrowbodies, are…

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January 8, 2007
Values of Newer Aircraft Types Continue to Rise
The Results of Our Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing While both Airbus and Boeing secured substantial orders during 2005, the year 2006 has not been so kind to beleaguered Airbus. Lack of orders, problems facing four-engine widebodies, delays in the A380, uncertainty over the A350/A370, and the forced resignations of…

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July 10, 2006
Freighter Rentals Stabilize
Airfreight continues sustained growth but with the delivery of new and converted freighters, older types face weakness. The high price of fuel remains a problem for older types. Airfreight companies have been forced to impose fuel surcharges on freight rates. Though pricing elasticity on airfreight is less pronounced than on…

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June 26, 2006
Lease Rates of Newer Aircraft Types Continue to Rise
New, Comprehensive List of Annual Jet Aircraft Lease Rates Lease rentals of aircraft in production have continued to climb as a consequence of improved market conditions and a shortage of quality, fuel-efficient equipment. Lessees have recognized that they need to pay for quality equipment. Rentals for the some aircraft types…

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February 20, 2006
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values of Newer Aircraft Types Continue to Rise The year 2006 will be the best year for Boeing's order book in nearly 20 years, underlining the continued improvement in values of those aircraft still in production. While the price of fuel has remained obstinately high, the market has continued to…

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January 9, 2006
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