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Aircraft Archive: Douglas MD90
Values Experience Age Related Decline
The Paris Air Show this week will be the venue for the announcement of another raft of orders from Airbus and other manufacturers further exacerbating the imbalance between supply and demand. While the backlog continues to extend this is no longer having a positive effect on either new or used…

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June 15, 2015
Values Remain Large Stable Aided by Fuel Price
The lower price of fuel is providing a measure of breathing space for used narrowbodies. The values of used aircraft have been under pressure as a result of the drive towards newer aircraft that offer greater efficiency. Now that the differential in operating costs is being narrowed there is lesser…

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March 23, 2015
Peak for Existing Products Despite Backlog
While there are thousands of aircraft on backlog, the transition to the product lines are keeping values realistic. The smaller backlog of 2006-2007 caused values to climb to new heights largely because production rates were of a lesser magnitude and due to a stable product line up. Today manufacturers are…

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December 1, 2014
Age Related Declines Take Effect
The values of most narrowbodies in production are experiencing age related declines. In normal balanced market conditions, values of aircraft should decline by some 5-7 percent per annum. When the market is strong such a decline is less evident and when times are adverse, values can fall by a much…

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September 8, 2014
Values Continue to Reflect Strong Market
Such is the demand for the aircraft that there sometimes exists The price stated on an invoice which is sometimes used to justify a particular value will not necessarily include all the factors. The net invoiced price may include pilot training – perhaps amounting to one to two percent of…

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June 16, 2014
Aircraft Asset Assessment: MD90
Market Presence. The reasonable operating economics, low noise footprint and restriction emissions have failed to generate interest in the type in recent years even when alternatives were in short supply. The number of pilots certificated on the aircraft is limited as are spares making it difficult for operators to acquire…

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May 5, 2014
MD90 Values Continue to Weaken
The MD90 offered and delivered much but in the face of industry consolidation and a limited customer base, the fortunes of the type were always likely to disappoint even if Delta remains an admirer. The MD90 represented the final version of a product that can be traced back to the…

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May 5, 2014
Strong Market Keeps Most Values on Even Keel
The values of more modern narrowbodies continue to experience only a modest age related decline. The rise in the backlog – and production rates – has for the last few years led to concern that there will have to be a significant readjustment as market realities take hold. Each time…

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March 24, 2014
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