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Aircraft Archive: McDonnell Douglas DC9-30
Chapter 2 Values Experience Further Erosion
Values of Chapter 2 aircraft have experienced further deterioration even though the wider market has at last shown signs of emerging from recession. Values of Chapter 2 aircraft have been sliding for nearly a decade. Some Chapter 2 aircraft, the DC9-30 for example, did enjoy an improvement in the mid…

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April 19, 2004
Can Stage 2 Values Fall Any Further?
Despite signs that the wider market is beginning to enjoy the benefit of a stringer economy, the fortunes of the Stage 2 market continue to languish. A yawning gap exists between the value of those still in airworthy condition and performing commercial service and those that are in storage and…

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February 9, 2004
No Respite in View for MD83 Values
Despite being the most desirable of MD80 variants, the fortunes of the MD83 have fared little better than the other models. The deterioration in MD83 values, after some uncertainty in the early 1990s, began in earnest in 2000. The cessation of production in the preceding year, the increasing concern over…

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November 3, 2003
B737-700 Among First To Enjoy Revival
With many of the negatives having been resolved, the market is beginning to turn and the -700 is among the first to experience renewed vigor. Even though the market focuses on the successful B737-800, the -700 has quietly established a solid market base, albeit at the expense of the B737-300.…

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September 8, 2003
A318 Certification Fails To Inspire 100-Seat Values
Values of the A318, along with all 100-seaters, continue to be under pressure, despite the long awaited certification of the newest member of the A320 family. The certification of the A318 was originally planned to take place in 2002, but due to the redesign of the Pratt & Whitney PW6000…

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June 2, 2003
B737-600 Values Slip As Order Book Contracts
The lack of fresh -600 orders for nearly four years has raised the prospect of the variant becoming marginalized, widening the gap in value compared to the much more popular - 700 and -800. Values of the -600 were placed "On Watch" status over two years ago. With the last…

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June 2, 2003
Stage 2 Values Continue To Topple
Some Stage 2 values may be showing signs of stability, but only because they have reached scrap levels. While concern over the marketability of the first-generation Stage 3 aircraft mounts, the experience of the Stage 2 fleet provides a clue as to future prospects. A market for Stage 2 aircraft…

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May 5, 2003
Aircraft Condition Vital for Chapter 2 Values
The decline in values of Stage 2/Chapter 2 aircraft shows little sign of abating, though those in good condition continue to be placed. The significance of aircraft condition, maintenance status and specification increase with age. With Stage 2 aircraft now mostly being in excess of 20 years of age, if…

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February 24, 2003
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