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Aircraft Archive: McDonnell Douglas DC9-30
MD83 Values Irrelevant
The values of the MD83 are so low as to make them irrelevant in terms of asset based financing. Despite still being the most desirable of MD80 variants, the fortunes of the MD83 have experienced sustained adversity. While during the period of growth between 2004 and 2007 the Ripple Effect…

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August 22, 2016
B737-600 Values Fail to Impress
In failing to capitalize on the existing fleets of the B737-500 and B737-200ADV, the -600 has demonstrated how quickly the market structure can change. More than ten percent of the fleet has already been scrapped and more are scheduled to go the same way. This contrasts with a market upon…

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May 2, 2016
Launch of B737-MAX200 Helps to Keep Values Ahead of A320neo
The launch of the 200 version of the B737-MAX8 paves the way for values of the B737-MAX to continue to warrant a premium over the A320neo. In developing the new re-engined narrowbodies both Airbus and Boeing have been conscious of the need to meet the needs of operators today -…

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September 22, 2014
MD83 Values Fail to Clamber Out of Canyon
The values of the MD83 continue to remain depressed as they have been for nearly a decade but the size of the operator base shows that there remains interest in the type. Despite still being the most desirable of MD80 variants, the fortunes of the MD83 have experienced sustained adversity.…

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July 29, 2013
B737-700 Values Continue to Decline
While a decade ago the -700 was very much in demand, this is not the case today and with a lack luster orderbook and an adverse age profile values and lease rentals are tumbling. The values of the -700 have experienced a significant fall as the market moves to newer…

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July 1, 2013
Fall in B737-600 Values Continues
The parting out of more than ten percent of the -600 fleet after only some 15 years since service entry is enough to force values of the type to fall further. Values of the -600 were placed “On Watch” status eleven years ago and the variant has become marginalized such…

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April 8, 2013
A319 and B737-700 Backlogs May Force “On Watch” Status
Virtual Absence of New Orders & Limited Delivery Rates Take Their Toll While orders for the A320 and B737-800 continue to be placed in their hundreds, the demand for the A319 and B737-700 has fallen behind such that values may have to be placed On Watch status. The year 2011…

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February 27, 2012
Fall in B737-600 Values Contrast with -800 Rise
With a paltry 69 orders, the values of the -600 have continued to decline. Values of the -600 were placed “On Watch” status nine years ago and to all intents, the variant has become marginalized such that existing operators will continue to be mainstay of the fleet for years to…

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November 8, 2010
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