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Aircraft Asset Assessment – A310-300

November 8, 2021

Market Presence. The A310-300 at least features a two-person cockpit though it lacks the sophistication of the later Airbus product range. The powerplants remained reasonably competitive for a number of years. Operational flexibility of the A310-300 varies considerably depending on the MTOW and whether additional fuel tanks are fitted in the lower cargo hold. With a MTOW of 164 tonnes, the highest available, the A310-300, had transatlantic capability while lesser weights still permit versatile operation in Eastern Europe and Asia. The CF6 powers the majority of A310-300s. The CF6-80C2A8 is the more favoured CF6 derivative in terms of performance. The competition to the A310-300 primarily stemmed from the B767-200ER and the larger more efficient widebodies diverted attention away from the A310.

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