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Aircraft Archive: B787-9
B787-8 Loses Some of its Shine
With the backlog for the B787-8 now less than 95, a sense of realism has started to impact values. Most new aircraft undergo a honeymoon period in their early years when values remain high due to a lack of availability as well absence of trading activity. With 332 delivered as…

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May 1, 2017
Aircraft Asset Assessment
Market Presence. The B787-8 has sold in reasonable numbers with the orderbook totaling 423 of which 332 have been delivered leaving a backlog of 91 units. Yet, between March 2016 and March 2017 there have been only nine new orders for the B787-8 compared to 39 deliveries. This compares with…

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May 1, 2017
Boeing List Prices See “2.2%” Rise
Increase Compensates for Last Years Lack of Change Boeing has released its latest – earlier than usual - list prices for 2017 which show a marked increase of 2.2 percent across all types. Boeing usually publishes its list prices later in the year with Airbus publishing theirs January of each…

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April 17, 2017
Leasing Still Attracting New Players As Rates Mostly Remain Stable
Competition Intensifying Which Could Impact Rentals The profits being secured by the lessors continues to be between 15-20 percent thus underlining the continued relative attraction of aircraft leasing compared other asset classes such as shipping and real estate. The leasing of aircraft continues to increase despite as yet proven speculation…

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March 6, 2017
Rentals Experience Slight Fall
The market for most widebodies continues to remain relatively stable but the lease rentals for some types have fallen over the last quarter. The problems being experienced by THY have seen a number of aircraft entering the market and lease rentals will likely be impacted. The move towards newer aircraft…

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January 23, 2017
Market Negatives Contain Values
Only New A350-900 & B787-9 Values Exhbit Rise The October 31st and 51st issue of The Aircraft Value Reference published by The Aircraft Value Analysis Company (AVAC reveals a market that is coping with a mounting number of negative influences despite still record backlogs. The values of virtually all…

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November 28, 2016
United 2016-2 EETC Sees Strong Values
The values contained in the United Airlines 2016-2 EETC covering 13 aircraft continues to show stable market conditions. The 13 aircraft covered by the EETC are new aircraft and mainstream types though some are in the process of being replaced by new products. The aircraft yet to be delivered comprise…

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November 28, 2016
Widebody Market Continues to Suffer
The market for some widebodies continues to contract and there exists a sense that there is something of an oversupply. Widebodies being delivered continues apace but at the expense of falling yields. Airlines are having to cut ticket prices to stimulate demand. The transition to new models continues and this…

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November 14, 2016
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