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Aircraft Archive: B787-9
A350-900 Weight Options Offers Prospect of Residual Value Strength
The appraisers panel at the ISTAT Americas Conference saw considerable enthusiasm for the A350-900 and with an increase in the MTOW, the payload/range capability of the aircraft is further enhanced, offering the prospect of stronger residual values. Airbus has announced that the A350-900 is now available with a MTOW of…

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March 21, 2016
Mid Life Widebodies Gain From Lower Fuel Price
The low price of fuel, albiet at the expense of a stronger dollar, has provided a fillip to the values of the mid life widebodies. The cost of fuel represents a major portion of direct operating costs for any operator, all the more so with used aircraft. Used aircraft typically…

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February 22, 2016
Rentals Retain Stability
Despite the hike in interest rates in the U.S. the uncertainty surrounding the global economy and financial markets continues to keep interest rates at record low levels, therefore allowing lessors to offer stable rates. Sale and leaseback transactions, which constitute an increasingly large proportion of new aircraft deliveries, continue to…

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January 25, 2016
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Used Widebody Values Suffer But Aircraft Ratings Largely Stable The demand for new aircraft remains unprecedented with the manufacturers increasing production but values of such new aircraft have failed to rise and even a rise in U.S. interest rates has had little positive effect on lease rentals. The world economy…

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January 11, 2016
EETC Market Gains Momentum
Stable Values for Newer Types Attracts Investors Such is the strength of the aviation market in terms of traffic, airline profitability and aircraft delivery rates that finance has become much more readily available, helping to fuel further growth with the EETC structure once again providing a means for investors to…

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December 14, 2015
Aircraft Asset Assessment A350-900
  Market Presence. As of the end of October 2015 a total of 787 orders had been placed for the A350. The orderbook has undergone a notable increase since 2013 when some 600 had been ordered. The customer base is extensive at 43 including seven lessors and private operators. The…

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November 30, 2015
Values Strong Despite Slow Delivery Rate
While Airbus at last seems intent on increasing production to an eventual ten per month, the very limited number of deliveries to date has not gone unnoticed. As of the end of October 2015 only ten had been delivered over the course of nearly twelve months. In the first year…

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November 30, 2015
Only Values of A350 & B787 Remain Stable
The market for most widebodies in production or for those having recently ceased being produced continues though the comments from the Delta CEO regarding a “bubble” cannot be ignored. Values and Ratings courtesy of The Aircraft Value Analysis Company, The Aircraft Value Analysis Rating (AVAR) reflects the considered…

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November 16, 2015
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