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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B737-700
B737-800 Values Experience Modest Volatility Over 25 Years
The B737-800 has now been in service for nearly twenty-five years with the first unit being delivered to Hapag-Lloyd Flug in April 1998 during which time it has endured three major Black Swan events, the last affecting the type the most. The B737-800 initially played second fiddle to the B737-700…

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December 5, 2022
Lower Storage Allows Modest Lease Rental Rise
The regional jets are continuing to see higher than desirable levels of storage but this is easing as more aircraft are placed back into service allowing lessors an opportunity to improve leasing terms. The limited number of orders being placed for new regional jets is a benefit for the lessors…

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December 5, 2022
Tighter Supply Edges Rates Higher
With the recovery of the market now taking hold in Asia, aircraft are once again being acquired such that lessors of newer aircraft are able to secure higher rentals. The lease rentals are provided by The Aircraft Value Analysis Company Ltd (AVAC) or Rates are quoted in thousands…

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November 21, 2022
Values of B737-500 Face Junkyard
This will be the last time that the B737-500 is covered given that the type is facing extinction in terms of asset-based financing. There are now 192 active/inactive -500 aircraft out of total production of 389. Nearly 200 have been scrapped or written off. Of the 192 active/inactive aircraft more…

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November 7, 2022
Inflation & Traffic See Higher Values
Inflationary pressures – the highest for forty years – are forcing net prices of new aircraft ever higher which in turn is generating some stability for some used aircraft. Moreover, traffic is surging albeit temporarily hampered by infrastructure constraints and this is seeing demand for more modern examples. Traffic though…

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October 24, 2022
B737-300 Values Set Precedent for B737-800?
The trend of B37-300 values in the 2000’s perhaps provides an indication of how values of the -8 will behave in the 2020’s. Values of the –300 previously performed well because of an extensive operator base and because the type possessed the attributes to sell well and more or less…

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October 13, 2022
Aircraft Asset Assessment - The A319
Market Presence. The A319 has experienced a number of fortunes during the course of its 23 year history, ranging from a shortage to an excess through to sustained popularity and at least parity with Boeing products. The 1,486 orders and the number of operators underline the popularity of the type…

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September 26, 2022
B737-700 Values Start to Weaken
After experiencing a measure of stability after the pandemic the changing structure of the market and advancing age are causing values to experience some weakness once again. With the development of the B737-700, it was possible for Boeing to also design a variant that did not need to retain the…

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September 12, 2022
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