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Aircraft Archive: Saab 2000
70 Seat Regional Jet Values Suffer as Market Turns to Larger Offerings
The values of both new and used 70 seat regional jets continues to decline as a consequence of changing demand patterns and the arrival of new types. The CRJ700 and E170 have both in production for over a decade and in the last few years delivery rates have fallen to…

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November 14, 2016
Capacity of B777-300 Fails to Halt Fall in Values
The -300 has considerable capacity but lacks the range of the -300ER and as such values are continuing to fall. The operator base has always been limited with only 60 ever having been built. A -300 has recently been lost as a result of a crash at Dubai and a…

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October 31, 2016
B737-300 Continues to Face Declines
The B737-300 is able to take advantage of the demand for extra capacity during the peak Northern Hemisphere summer months but thereafter may be parked for a long period, underlining its overall lack of attraction. The values of the B737-300 have continued to experience a significant fall that started in…

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October 17, 2016
Manufacturers Support Programs Vital for Business Jet Values
The value of larger business jets can be severely compromised in the event the aircraft does not have a manufacturers support program in place. There are various manufacturers program for business jets. An engine support program is considered to be something of a necessity to maintain the value of the…

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October 3, 2016
Mid Life Turboprops Experience Stability
The latest financial results from turboprop and regional jet specialist lessor, Nordic Aviation Capital (NAC), points to a still strong sector – and resilient lease rentals. The sustained low price of fuel would expect regional jets to become more popular, reducing the sector length at which jets become more efficient.…

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October 3, 2016
Asking Prices of Reflect Have Sense of Reality
The asking prices of aircraft that are being publicly advertised for sale continue to have some relevance to actual market values. A 1993 A320 is on the market for $6 million which equates to the market value. The difference in values between the oldest and newest A320s ($3 million versus…

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October 3, 2016
Values of Turboprops Remain Stable Despite Fuel
The lower price of fuel, which should seemingly allow operators to fly regional jets more efficiently, has not had an impact on the values of turboprops as demand for used equipment remains robust. The demand for turboprops remains more than reasonable as orders continue to be placed. The market continues…

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September 5, 2016
MD83 Values Irrelevant
The values of the MD83 are so low as to make them irrelevant in terms of asset based financing. Despite still being the most desirable of MD80 variants, the fortunes of the MD83 have experienced sustained adversity. While during the period of growth between 2004 and 2007 the Ripple Effect…

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August 22, 2016
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