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B777-300ER Values Continue To Rise But At Expense of B747-400
Production rates of the B777 have risen to a new high, reflecting the sustained increase in demand, thereby underwriting the increase in values. The production rates of the B777 have now increased to just over eight per month, up from the previous level of seven. This will result in the…

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November 5, 2012
Widebody Values Feel The Chill of Winter
While the values of new A330-300s, A380s and B777-300ERs are managing to achieve an upturn trend most other widebodies are experiencing modest weakness. The international market continues to have some success but overall values of used aircraft are falling. The older widebodies are most at risk from the fall in…

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November 5, 2012
Preliminary Values of CSeries Holding Steady As Prototype Takes Shape
The theoretical values of the CSeries continue to remain stable as the aircraft moves into the final stage of assembly but there continues to be a concern whether the first batch of production aircraft will be of a lesser specification than those produced at a later point. The experience of…

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November 5, 2012
Values of the B757 Continue to Fall
The values of the B757 have experienced a significant fall over the last two years as the lack of a direct replacement fails to overshadow the problems associated with advancing age and changing market conditions. The type has previously benefitted from the number being converted to freighters and limited interest…

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November 5, 2012
Lease Rentals Experience Further Weakness
The lease rentals of many newer narrowbodies continue to weaken as lessees experience improved bargaining power. The reason for lower rentals is due to the reconnection of the aviation industry in the latter part of 2011 to the wider economic malaise that still persists. Kingfisher has suspended operations as has…

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November 5, 2012
Kingfisher “Cannabalization” of Aircraft Affects Values
The problems of Kingfisher have seemingly manifested in the cannibalization of aircraft such that the aircraft may need rework before aircraft leased by the operator can be operated once more. There have been reports that parked Kingfisher aircraft are missing components because the airline has used parts from one aircraft…

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November 5, 2012
Residuals of B767-300ER Could Gain from FedEx Interest
The residual value projections for the B767-300ER have been facing downward pressure due to the prospect of accelerated replacement by the B787 once Boeing gears up production of the new type but with FedEx potentially seeking used equipment for conversion, the severity of the fall may be more limited. The…

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November 5, 2012
Values of Early A330-300s Continue to Tail Off
But Values of New Enhanced Versions Continue to Ease Upwards The fortunes of the A330-300 continues to be tale of two halves with earlier, lower weight versions finding placement more difficult with the newer examples remaining sufficiently sought after as to allow new values a measure of improvement. The first…

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November 5, 2012