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B787-8 Teardowns Underline Variant Value Deterioation
Maintenance Reserves, Overhaul Costs, Scrap Value Also Relevant Two B787-8s are being parted out underlining the relative lack of attraction in the market and making it apparent that the much-improved market conditions for widebodies do not extend to all models. The two B787-8s (possibly MSN’s 35304 and 35305) and first…

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March 13, 2023
Lufthansa “$7.5 Billion” Order More Likely To Be Worth $3 Billion
The announced “price” of the 22 aircraft ordered by Lufthansa will fall far short of the announced $7.5 billion price even with the much-improved market conditions for international travel. The order of Lufthansa comprised ten A350-1000’s, five A350-900s and seven B787-9’s. The airline cited a list price of $7.5 billion…

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March 13, 2023
A220 Engine Issues Delay Values Reaching Full Potential
The values – and lease rentals – of the A220 could temporarily deteriorate if the engine problems persist. The values and lease rentals of the A220 were impacted to a much lesser extent during the Covid Event than most other types because of its recent service entry, considerable efficiency and…

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March 13, 2023
Alliance Acquisition of E190s Could Breathe New Life into Rentals
The lease rentals of the E190 continue to be weaker than might be expected in the face of vastly improved market conditions but the announcement by Alliance that it will take 30 more used E190s in the next few years should help to stabilize rates at the very least. Alliance…

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March 13, 2023
Freighter Rates Hold Up Despite Traffic Worries
The prospects for the airfreight traffic over the short to medium term may be uncertain but the opening up of China has improved the market for the moment. While dedicated freighters were essentially operating in China though out the Covid Event, there were limitations. The restrictions placed on crews due…

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March 13, 2023
VIP Aircraft Still in Demand
Even with the restarting of international operations to a myriad of destinations the demand for larger dedicated business jets and airliner VVIP aircraft remains allowing for some stability in values, even if they can exhibit a considerable range. The latest GAMA results for the year 2022 do not appear to…

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March 13, 2023
A320ceo Values Achieve Parity with Pre-Covid Forecasts
There has been some expectation that now that the Covid Event is in the past that values of the A320ceo should return to pre-Pandemic levels, recouping all if not more than the unprecedented discounting that took place in April 2020. This is not the way a recovery occurs as is…

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March 13, 2023
Aircraft Asset Assessment - The A320
Market Presence. The market for the A320ceo is showing a sporadic improvement but much depends on the age of the aircraft, the length of the lease and the lessee. The lease rentals of the A320ceo experienced a greater than 20 percent decline due to the Covid Event in April 2020.…

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March 13, 2023
"Fire Sale" Discounts Ease As Market Rebounds
The supply and demand equation continues to improve for the newer narrowbodies and this is allowing distressed sale discount levels to be reduced for a number of aircraft. The ever tighter financial requirements means that the sale of aircraft in a short timeframe is even more relevant. The level of…

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March 13, 2023