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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A320-200
Competition Prevents Rise in Rentals
The demand for aircraft – particularly the newer examples – remains strong and this allowing values to generally fall at a rate below the general trend. The demise of a few carriers such as Monarch and Air Berlin has resulted in a few aircraft expectantly entering the market. Some of…

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October 16, 2017
Lease Rentals Remain Stable
Even as the market enters into the off peak season when some operators seek to offload surplus capacity during the Northern Hemisphere winter months, the market for lease rentals has remained stable. There has been a notable casualty – airBerlin. The airBerlin Group comprises over 150 aircraft and is therefore…

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September 4, 2017
Market for Narrowbodies Remains Strong
The market for newer narrowbodies remains strong with any decline being more age related than due to the transition to new types. The mainstream A320s and B737-800s continue to be in demand though some operators are struggling to cope with lower yields resulting from increased competition and fluctuating fuel prices.…

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October 17, 2016
Paucity of Orders Not Impacting Rentals
While the manufacturers may be finding it difficult to secure the number of orders seen in recent years, the imnpact of any perceived weakness in terms of demand has not impacted rentals of most narrowbodies still in production. The surge in the leasing of aircraft offering the ability to secure…

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September 19, 2016
Rentals Remain Stable
The rate of traffic growth continues to be above trend and this is allowing rentals to remain stable at least for the newer and MLA (Mid Life Aircraft) aircraft. The competition is intense among the lessors as more institutions enter the market and margins are therefore being impacted to some…

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May 30, 2016
Used Values Fall Despite Backlog
Even with Airbus having to halve production of the A320neo for the next few months due to the problems being experienced with the new Pratt & Whitney engine, values of newer narrowbodies continue to fall in line with expectations. The overall market for narrowbodies remains strong with the backlog continuing…

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May 2, 2016
Record Backlog Fails to Improve Rentals
With such a substantive and record breaking backlog a rise in lease rentals may be expected but such is the competition among lessors that rates are instead remaining largely stable, aided by the expectation that interest rates will remain low for some time. With the level of leasing steadily increasing…

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February 22, 2016
Values Continue to Exhibit Age Related Decline
As passenger traffic has risen, the demand for new aircraft has been such that Airbus and Boeing have increased production. The rise in traffic however has become increasingly capacity driven whereby the availability of more seats has generated ever more passenger demand. To fill aircraft, fares have had to become…

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December 14, 2015
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