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Aircraft Archive: Antanov ATR72-500
Values of Some Turboprops Experience Volatility
Some of the seemingly more marketable turboprops have been experiencing considerable volatility associated with an extending product life cycle and greater used availability with the ATR72-600 being particularly impacted. While there is considerable focus on the regional jets, there is no escaping that the economics of the turboprops on shorter…

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February 19, 2018
Turboprop Rentals See Premium Over Jets
The market for turboprops continues to enjoy sustained demand with the newer aircraft types such as the ATR and Dash8 aircraft transitioning with relative ease between lessees. The advantage of turboprop leasing over jet leasing focuses on lesser competition such that lease rentals can be relatively higher. With the interiors…

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September 18, 2017
Values of Turboprops Remain Stable
The values of turboprops are generally remaining stable with some actually seeing a modest increase. Values of turboprops, having been variously written down to zero a few times over the last 15 years, have more recently achieved stability due to the absence of new examples, retirement of older units and…

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August 7, 2017
Turboprop lease Rentals Still Attractive for Lessors
While the lease rentals for the older turboprops may have fallen over the last six months, the margins on turboprops are still sufficiently higher than for jets as to make them attractive for lessors. The change in accounting regulations which means that leases may have to be reflected in company…

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June 12, 2017
Values of Newer Turboprops Edge Downwards
The values of the latest turboprops have exuded an air of superiority over the last few years such has been their phoenix like rise from the ashes. The seeming appetite and prudence of operating turboprops is now being matched by the number of orders for new aircraft. While the increase…

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February 20, 2017
Mid Life Turboprops Experience Stability
The latest financial results from turboprop and regional jet specialist lessor, Nordic Aviation Capital (NAC), points to a still strong sector – and resilient lease rentals. The sustained low price of fuel would expect regional jets to become more popular, reducing the sector length at which jets become more efficient.…

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October 3, 2016
Lease Rentals Continue to Focus on Newer Types
For the last five years, lessors have preferred to focus on the new turboprops which offer lesser risk and the prospect of greater returns. The older turboprops tend to be acquired via more traditional financing methods than the operating lease. Seeking to write down the capital cost is therefore more…

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June 13, 2016
Older Turboprops Not So Easy to Place
  With a great many older turboprops still flying it would be expected that the vanilla lease would be relatively common. However, for the last five years, lessors have instead preferred to focus on the new turboprops which offer lesser risk and the prospect of greater returns. The older turboprops…

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April 18, 2016
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