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B747-200F Values Continue to Falter In Face of High Fuel Prices
The values of the B747-200F are facing further declines in the face of less rampant demand for cargo space and higher fuel charges. The demand for freighters remains but the focus is firmly on those newer types that are able to offer lower operating costs. The older aircraft continue to…

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January 21, 2008
Used A340-300s Continue to See Demand
While new orders for the A340-300 are unlikely, the demand for used examples is sufficiently strong as to allow lease rentals to remain stable. Turkish Airlines is to lease two A340-300s from ILFC for six years later this year. The four engined aircraft has been hard hit by the rise…

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January 21, 2008
First Financings of A380 Attracts Higher Than Expected Rentals & Pricing
According to reports, Airbus Financial Services has sold the first aircraft to be operated by Singapore Airlines for a purchase price of $198.6 million, representing a higher than expected price. The first three aircraft to be delivered to SIA have been bought by Doric Asset Finance. While the price of…

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January 21, 2008
Traffic Growth in 2007 Keeps Pressure on Capacity
Significant Slowdown in Freight Traffic Sounds Note of Caution The preliminary traffic figures from the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for 2007 continue to show higher than average growth rates providing, superficially at least, justification for values to remain stable. Data from ICAO remains preliminary in view of information being…

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January 21, 2008
Collapse of Maxjet Offers Potential for Reversal in B767-200ER Value Fortunes
The collapse of Maxjet, the all business class operator between the UK and the U.S., has led to the disposal of five B767-200ERs, representing a major threat to the recently improved fortunes of the type. The B767-200ER, only available in limited number due to lack of demand in the 1980s,…

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January 21, 2008
First Financings of A380 Attracts Higher Than Expected Rentals & Pricing
According to reports, Airbus Financial Services has sold the first aircraft to be operated by Singapore Airlines for a purchase price of $198.6 million, representing a higher than expected price. The first three aircraft to be delivered to SIA have been bought by Doric Asset Finance. While the price of…

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January 21, 2008
350 Minutes ETOPs for A350 Will Aid Residuals
Airbus, having dismissed the idea of "warming" over the A330, have set themselves further challenges in developing the "all-new" A350 by seeking to offer out-of-the-box, 350- minute ETOPs compliance which would increase operational flexibility and therefore prove to be attractive to a greater number of operators. The U.S. Federal Aviation…

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January 21, 2008
Turboprop Rentals Continue to Remain Strong
While there may be hiccups for the turboprop sector in terms of the disposal of the SAS Dash 8 fleet, the overall turboprop market remains strong as evidenced by the stream of new orders. With respect to longer-term residuals the current crop of turboprops are likely to face challenges from…

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January 21, 2008
Extensive Backlog Belies Fragility of Some Orders
The values of most narrowbodies still in production remain stable but there exist a few clouds on the horizon. The year 2007 seems to have another record year for Airbus and Boeing alike as both record a myriad of orders from a range of operators, financial institutions and lessors. The…

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January 21, 2008
A330-200 Values Enjoy Interim Demand
The delay in the development of the B787 as well as the A350 has led to a renewed surge in demand for the A330-200. Where once the demand for the A330-200 may have been running out of steam, the backlog seems sufficient to keep the Airbus widebody production line busy…

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January 21, 2008
Aircraft Asset Assessment: A330-200
Market Presence. Orders for the A330-200 now clearly outstrip those for the A330-300 despite the former having the advantage of five extra years of service. The A330-200 represents a formidable competitor to the smaller B767-300ER and the lack of success for the B767-400 is due in no small part to…

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January 21, 2008