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Values Remain At Scrap Level
In the late 1980s, all the conferences resounded to talk of Chapter 2 aircraft and hushkits. Today, Chapter 2 aircraft have become largely an irrelevance in the context of asset- based financing and values have long since been at scrap levels. Despite the lack of new products, the combination of…

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April 28, 2008
50-Seat Lease Rentals May Be Easing Once More
The recent period of stability for 50-seat regional jet lease rentals may be coming to an end as the effect of higher fuel prices and the need for mainline operators in the U.S. to alter their operations takes hold. The 50-seat regional jets were acquired at a time when the…

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April 28, 2008
B737-200ADV Values Remain At Scrap Levels
While a significant number remain in service this is no justification for assuming that the type has attraction for asset-based financing. The move to replace becomes more intense as the price of fuel edges ever higher. During the 1970s and 1980s, and for some of the 1990s, the values of…

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April 28, 2008
Aircraft Asset Assessment: The B737-200ADV
Market Presence. Clockwork gauges have long since lost their appeal but the -200ADV still remains a credible and cheap alternative to replacement products. The improvements made to the B737 with the -200ADV greatly enhanced operational performance. Shorter take-off capability and reasonable range performance represented attractive features. The current crop of…

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April 28, 2008
Demise of Smaller Dash8 Production Has Little Impact on Values
Bombardier has seemingly finally accepted the inevitable and opted to cease production of the 37 seat -200 and 50 seat -300 but this will have no impact on values. The company is now to focus on the larger -400 which is in the process of being upgraded to the -400NG.…

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April 28, 2008
Revival of B767-300ER Production Would See Weak Residuals
Delay to B787-10 Again Improves Prospects for A350 Yet another delay to the B787 is creating serious problems for airlines and raises the prospect of Boeing restarting production of the B767-300ER, a type which may be in demand today but which will be less favored tomorrow. The problems announced by…

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April 28, 2008
A320 Residual Values Could be Impacted by Intriguing Testing of P&W GTF
The announcement that Airbus is to undertake testing of the Pratt & Whitney Geared Turbofan (GTF) on one of the company's A340s is an interesting development and one which could potentially have medium-term implications for the current A320 family. Airbus is to start testing the Pratt & Whitney GTF in…

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April 28, 2008
TechInsertion and SelectOne Become New Standard for Narrowbody Values
The baseline specification for newly delivered A320 and B737NG family members is changing to reflect recent upgrades to the engines as well changes to the structure and interiors. Both CFMI and IAE have introduced upgrades to their engines. As a consequence, the CFMI designation has changed to the -3. For…

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April 28, 2008
Holes Start to Appear In Delivery Schedules Contributing to Value Decline
The flurry of casualties in the last few weeks, combined with changes in delivery schedules, is allowing holes to appear in delivery schedules, only partially easing supply issues. While Frontier continue to operate, some aircraft are set to be sold. Other operators have not been so fortunate. ATA Airlines had…

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April 28, 2008