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Aircraft Archive: B787-10
Long Term B777-300ER Residuals Under Scrutiny
Emirates A350-1000 Order Creates Uncertainty for Boeing Since entering service in 2004 the B777-300ER has become the leading widebody in terms of perceived residual value strength but with the selection of the competing A350-1000 by Emirates comes a threat to values in the long term. The development of the B787…

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December 10, 2007
Widebody Values Stable
To some extent the market for widebodies remains underserved creating a shortage and allowing values to show further modest signs of improvement. The delay in the delivery of the B787 has demonstrated the lack of widebody capacity. The B787 will not be delivered for at least another six months, possibly…

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October 29, 2007
B787 Roll-Out Accompanied by Strengthening Values
The roll-out of the B787 was accompanied by further orders and such is the demand for the aircraft that values have continued to rise, at least with respect to the short term. List prices of the B787 have risen by six percent and some values by five percent over the…

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July 23, 2007
Widebody Values Continue To Achieve Stability
The widebody segment of the market, at least in terms of newer equipment, has continued to improve. While the focus of attention may be firmly on the extensive backlog of narrowbodies, the widebody segment is also experiencing a shortage. As the finances of long-haul operators has improved there has been…

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April 2, 2007
Potential B777-400ER Yet To Impact B777-300ER Residual
While sketches of a possible stretch to the B777-300ER remain no more than doodles, the possibility of a new B777 variant emerging to plug the gap between the -300ER and the B747 needs to be taken seriously if view of residual value calculations projecting 15-20 years hence. The development of…

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April 2, 2007
B777-200ER Values Strong But Lack Of Orders In 2006 Cause For Concern
The lack of orders for the B777-200ER during 2006 follows a lack-luster performance during 2005 and may represent a cause for concern when considering residual values. The strength of the market is such that virtually all aircraft types with at least a measure of efficiency, except for perhaps the MD90,…

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February 5, 2007
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values Of Old & New Continue To Diverge While the values of more modern aircraft continue to improve, those of older types face terminal decline in the face of a sustained rise in fuel prices and escalating maintenance costs. The majority of aircraft in mainstream production, particularly the narrowbodies, are…

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January 8, 2007
Aircraft Asset Assessment -- A340-300
Market Presence. Despite being more than ten years of age, the A340-300 is still synonymous with the latest technology. The engines and cockpit may have been refined but the basic structure and systems are still contemporary. The A340-500 and -600 inevitably improves upon some aspects but there exists nothing major…

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November 27, 2006
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