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A320 Delivery Rate Causes Problems for Used Values
B737-800 Values On the Up As Deliveries Fall by Nearly 50 Percent Values of A320 family members, the A320 in particular, continue to be buffeted by sustained levels of production, a partial cause of the significant number still in storage or being advertised for sale or lease. The year 2003…

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January 26, 2004
Cathay Requirement for 15 Used B747-400s Does Little to Aid Values
The Cathay Pacific request for proposals (RFP) from manufacturers and lessors for the provision of up to 15 used B747-400s is unlikely to see any improvement in the currently weak values for the type. Only when some of the current excess is soaked up will there be justification for values…

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January 26, 2004
B767-300ER Values Set To Experience Same Trend As B757 Values?
The end of year total for orders and deliveries of the B767-300ER offers the prospect of the same deterioration in values as experienced by the B757-200 in its final years of production. Orders for the B67-300ER showed an improvement in 2003 compared to the dismal experience of 2002. Eleven new…

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January 26, 2004
Freighter Rates Start Long Haul To Recovery
The last quarter of 2003 provided the foundations for an improvement in freighter lease rentals. The run up to the end of the year saw the usual surge in demand for airfreight capacity such that on some routes, space was at a premium. The Far Eastern carriers in particular saw…

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January 26, 2004
Launch of B7E7 Sees Need for Careful Assessment of B767 & A330 Residuals
The progress being made on the B7E7 and imminent formal launch of the program makes it necessary to correctly address medium-term projections for B767-300ER and A330-200 residuals. Both existing types will be affected by the new Boeing [NYSE: BA] product, now to be assembled not surprisingly at Everett. Though board…

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January 26, 2004
50-Seat Values Face Market Realities
Regional jet values experienced a variety of fortunes during 2003. Orders for 50-seat regional jets proved just as disappointing as 200s, though Bombardier at least managed to secure a reasonable number of orders. Embraer [NYSE: ERJ] saw a significant switch from ERJ140 to the ERJ145. In the context of 100-plus…

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January 26, 2004
B777-300 Values Remain Luke Warm
The declining backlog of -300s and the arrival of the -300ER offer the prospect of weak current and future values. Orders for the B777-300 total only 62, with only four orders being recorded during the last two years, the last in December 2002. By contrast there have already been 71…

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January 26, 2004
B737-200ADV Retains Value As Sale Records Unit Price of $2.6M
The reported purchase of five B737-200ADVs by Air Norterra, operated by Canadian North, from Arkia Israeli Airlines underlines that the market for quality older aircraft remains and that some value is retained. The sale reportedly involved five hushed B737-200ADVs manufactured between 1976 and 1982. Some three units were powered by…

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January 26, 2004
Decline in Turboprop Deliveries Aid Used Values
Despite Bombardier and ATR both registering a significant decline in 2003 deliveries, values of used equipment are tending to avoid further significant falls. The year 2003 saw a combined total of only 28 turboprop deliveries, representing 19 for Bombardier and nine for ATR. This total is far lower than the…

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January 26, 2004