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Values Continue to Enjoy Rise Despite Fuel Worries
The high price of fuel may cause problems for the world economy, but demand for international travel is so high that quality widebody equipment is in short supply, which has allowed values to register a further modest improvement. The high price of fuel remains a constant worry for the airlines…

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October 31, 2005
B777-300 Residuals Continue to Sputter
The market for widebodies continues to improve. But with a declining backlog and an advancing B777-300ER delivery rate, the values of the Boeing [BA] B777-300 are experiencing a substantive, if theoretical, fall. Virtually all B777-300s remain with their original customers, which makes it difficult to determine market values. Orders for…

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October 31, 2005
SAS MD80 Retention Fails to Stop Decline in Values
The decision by SAS to continue to operating more than 80 MD80s is not expected to halt the decline in MD80 values. The large number in service and the weak financial status of SAS have persuaded the company to retain the aircraft despite the high price of fuel. Citing known…

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October 31, 2005
B767-300ER Rentals Continue to Climb
Despite the financial problems being experienced by the U.S. majors and the concern over fuel prices, the international travel market continues to expand, with demand outstripping supply. This has led to a shortage of Boeing B767-300ERs. Although the B767-300ER is destined to be replaced by the B787 in the coming…

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October 31, 2005
ILFC Order Underlines Perceived B787 Residual Strength
Near Launch Order Status Likely to Attract Substantial Discounts The International Lease Finance Corporation's (ILFC) order for 20 Boeing [BA] B787s provides further evidence that the new aircraft will likely possess above-average residual value strength as a result of diverse market demand. ILFC is the first leasing company to place…

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October 31, 2005
Cargo Conversion No Guarantee of Future Value Strength
The prospect for widescale conversion of older aircraft to freighters is by no means guaranteed, even when a shortage of cargo capacity exists and the prospect of conversion does little to improve the values of passenger units. Boeing [BA] has announced that it will drop plans to convert B737s after…

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October 31, 2005
B777-200LRF Freighter Values Offer Promise
The Boeing [BA] B777-200LRF has only received nine orders to date but service entry is still some years away. The lack of orders thus far should not be viewed as a negative, however. Were the aircraft available today, lessors would have little difficulty in placing it. The new freighter offers…

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October 31, 2005
Capacity Shortage Forces Rentals Higher
The demand for cargo capacity seems insatiable, despite the high price of fuel. There is now a shortage of quality and modern equipment capable of accommodating the needs of operators, and lease rentals are rising as a result. High fuel prices have yet to have made a discernible impact on…

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October 31, 2005