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Values of Older Widebodies Continue To Face Harsh Environment
The increase in international traffic is allowing major operators to further improve the utilization of existing equipment and contemplate the acquisition of new aircraft. In contrast to previous recovery periods, operators prefer to dispose of older equipment, and values are inevitably being adversely impacted as a result. One of the…

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November 1, 2004
A321-200 Value Improvement Lags Behind
Values of the A319 and A320 continue to rise but those of the A321 face an uphill struggle, at least in the short term. After a sluggish start and an extended gestation period for a mere stretch version, orders for the A321 continued to mount, perhaps at the expense of…

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November 1, 2004
Distressed Sale Pricing Easing as Market Improves
The continued improvement in the market has lessened the degree of discounting required when suppliers and brokers consider selling aircraft on a distressed basis. Distressed sale pricing is defined as a seller who is under duress to dispose of the asset for cash within a limited timeframe, perhaps a matter…

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November 1, 2004
Definition & Timing of A350 Start to Impact A330-200 Residuals
�3 Billion Price Tag Points to Major Upgrade to Existing A330 The projected residual values of the existing A330-200, and indeed the A330-300, are now likely to face adjustment as Airbus more clearly defines the characteristics of the "replacement" A350. The A350-800 is designed to be a major upgrade to…

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November 1, 2004
Values Improve as Manufacturers Register Order & Production Growth
A key indicator of value improvement -- a greater number of orders to deliveries -- was in evidence in the third quarter for both Airbus and Boeing [BA]. Though deliveries still outweigh orders for the year as a whole, which is partly distorted due to traditional summer shutdowns, the third…

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November 1, 2004
Values Further Aided by Sustained Fall in Availability
The fall in aircraft availability points to a future improvement in values, although the number of aircraft in storage underlines the fragility of the industry, and market conditions far removed from those of a decade ago. Availability, according to BACK Associates, has fallen to levels not seen for many years.…

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November 1, 2004
Regional Jet Rentals Remain Steady
Despite an apparent softening in the market for 50-seat regional jets, lease rentals continue to exhibit a measure of stability. While the acquisition of larger regional jets has been mainly achieved through financial arrangements, including those supported by either manufacturer or state banks, the 50 seaters have an established leasing…

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November 1, 2004