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Widebody Values Plunge
The fall in the values of widebodies has been precipitous and significant. While the market has experienced downturns before, the global nature of the crisis, coupled with the specific and long lasting effect on aviation, has meant that the widebodies have suffered the greatest declines. The values of widebodies will…

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April 27, 2020
Freighter Rates Have Potential to Rise
In all the mayhem that that Covid is creating the one bright spot is freighters. The demand for various goods and the loss of belly hold capacity has seen a rapid rise in demand for freight space even to the extent that passenger aircraft have been returned to service –…

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April 27, 2020
Whitetails Emerging in First Time in Generation
Aircraft Auctions Could Make a Comeback The fallout from Covid-19 continues to ravage the aviation sector with Virgin Australia entering voluntary administration thus becoming the latest, but far from the last, to suffer clearly indicating that the effects of the virus will be far reaching and sustained. The desire to…

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April 27, 2020
B737MAX Cancellations Mount
The cancellation of orders en-masse was not expected pre-Covid due to the strength of the market but with airlines now facing extinction such action has taken on a new imperative with the B737MAX the most obvious target. Boeing delivered only 50 aircraft in the first quarter of 2020 compared to…

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April 27, 2020
Impairment Starts to be Addressed
The need for financial institutions, lessors and operators to consider impairment is coming much more to the fore although there will be a temptation to argue that the order of magnitude cannot be assessed at this stage. The need for impairment though is growing as it becomes ever more evident…

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April 27, 2020
Currently Depressed Simulator Values Will See Surge With Recovery
The values of simulators have experienced a considerable drop in recent months as demand has inevitably been impacted but this will likely quickly change with the return of air services albeit subject to a different structure. The demand for simulator space pre-Covid was high as the worlds’ fleet expanded, new…

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April 27, 2020